
Systems Programmer

A systems programmer is a specialized type of software developer focused on designing and maintaining system-level software. This includes operating systems, kernel modules, and hardware drivers, which are critical for the smooth operation of computer systems. Unlike application programmers, systems programmers work closer to the hardware, often writing code in low-level programming languages like C or Assembly. Their work ensures that software and hardware interact efficiently, enabling other applications to function correctly. They also handle tasks such as performance optimization, troubleshooting, and implementing security measures, making them integral to the stability and efficiency of computing environments.

I like exlpaining things in very simple ways.

Thats why i am a systems programmer.

I love low level things. This interest arosed from the fact that i could not stand formulas unless i knew the root of it. going down to basics helps me understand some stuff, more importantly, it helps me to help others understand the same stuff. So why not keep things simple instead of making them complex to sound like a god?

When in academia you get good things, you pulish it. When you get good things in Engineering, you sell it. I believe in Monney. I suggest doing a bit of both. If you want to know give, first know how to recieve. Use Rust.

Languages I might know

C, C++, Java, Python, Scala, Lua, Perl, Vimscript, Javascript, Typescript, Haskell, Rust, Zig, Kotlin, toml, yaml, makefile, shell script, vbscript, raku, R, julia, Marathi, Malayalam, Nepali, Hindi, Bhijpuri, English, Sodium, Brainfuck, Lambda Calculus, Golang.

Languages I like

C, Rust.